Participating Celebrities & Chefs
Chef Frank Chun Frank Chun has been serving Lanakila Pacific’s mission as the Food Service Manager for the past 15 years. Part of his responsibilities is to manage the production of meals for Meals on Wheels, producing about 2,000 meals per day. The kitchen also provides training for individuals with disabilities, giving them the skills necessary to obtain competitive employment. As if that’s not more than enough, the kitchen still manages to run a full catering service to the public with all proceeds benefitting Lanakila Pacific’s programs. Frank enjoys working for Lanakila Pacific because he believes the tasks being done make an impact no matter how small. Helping our kupuna stay healthy by serving them low sodium, low sugar meals, they are healthier and are able to stay mobile, out of nursing homes and able to spend more time with their families. In his spare time he enjoys deep sea fishing, free diving and farming. When asked, “What does food mean to you?” He responded, “Everyone’s got to eat, it’s a form of communication, creativity and a way to leave an impression.” In honor of Rice Fest his favorite rice dish is Brown Rice w/ Ginger Sauce. |